KL1050 KitLock RFID Locker Lock
KL1050 RFID Kitlock


Delivery Information
The approximate lead time is 10 Days.
Delivery to Mainland UK only, without any restrictions.
Our delivery times are; Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm.
We will deliver using the most economical method, using either our own vehicles or a carrier.
Goods may be palletised and delivered on an articulated vehicle.
The deliveries are kerb side only, you will need to arrange to unload the vehicle.
If there are any delivery restrictions / specific dates / times / dedicated deliveries, or FORS Registered deliveries; please contact the sales department as there may be an additional cost.
KitLock 1050 RFID Lock
A simple to use, MIFARE compatible RFID Lock
Provides codeless access to lockers, cabinets & cupboards.
- (Private Function) for single users
- (Public Function) short-term use by multiple users
- MIFARE compatible
- Easy to fit and program
- Up to 15,000 operations from 2 x AAA batteries
- Battery Override
- Lock suitable for any orientation
- Protected from low pressure water jets (IP55 rated) when fitted with gasket
- All required fixings/templates included