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BT laptop lockers

BT tablet charging lockers

Tablet charging lockers

Total Locker Service was approached by BT Fleet Services regarding storage of tablet and laptop computers for their program of automating engineers reports. It was their intention to roll out tablet and laptop computers to all of their workshops in the United Kingdom.
Paul Wright contacted us with his idea of the tablet charging lockers he wanted. After a number of phone calls, we had worked up a rough specification for the product. The lockers needed to hold 10 or 15 tablet computers, and be capable of charging the tablet computer using the products own charging unit.
As this was to be a large order Paul wanted to ensure that, the tablet charging lockers are suitable for their needs and that all necessary functionality was built into the units. We arranged to take an existing product that was close to their specification and attend a meeting at their office.
It was clear at the meeting that the basic product was what they wanted and that the initial specification needed some modification. We agreed that to future proof their product it needed to be larger than the original brief, this would allow the units to store laptops and larger tablets if the current trend continues. They also liked the increased security on the sample product, the 2mm steel doors and security cam lock.
Following the meeting we proposed, another quotation incorporating all the features identified at the meeting and submitted it to BT Fleet Services. Following some discussion, the quotation was accepted and an order placed.
Total Locker Service assigned Helen Ponder as project manager to finalise the delivery, logistics and customer communication.

Tablet charging locker specification

The lockers incorporate a charging socket in each compartment the charging socket incorporates a standard 3 pin UK socket. The locker is powered by a single power lead, which exits at the top of the locker where the isolator switch is located. Lockers are available with 10 or 15 doors

Locker security

• Locker doors 2mm steel
• Locker hinge is a rod hinge construction
• Cam locks are security with T shaped cam

Locker dimensions

1800mm high x 380mm wide x 450mm deep

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