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Large hotel key fobs

Large hotel key fobs: The world of hospitality is ever-evolving. One vital aspect that has seen significant change is the way guests access their rooms. Gone are the days of traditional metal keys. Now, electronic key fobs are the standard. Large hotels, especially, are switching to key fobs made from ABS laminate. Total Locker Service, a leading company in locker solutions, is at the forefront of this change.

Large hotel key fobs

ABS laminate fobs

So, what exactly is ABS laminate? ABS, or Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene, is a type of plastic. It is known for its strength, durability, and resistance to impact. When combined with laminate, it becomes even stronger. This makes ABS laminate the perfect material for hotel key fobs. It can withstand the wear and tear of daily use. Additionally, it can be easily cleaned and sanitized. In a post-pandemic world, this is more important than ever.

We Manufacture Large hotel key fobs

Total Locker Service is a company that specializes in locker solutions. They provide a range of products and services. This includes lockers, locker parts, and key fobs. They have a reputation for quality and reliability. Many large hotels trust them for their key fob needs. Total Locker Service manufactures key fobs from ABS laminate. They offer customization options as well. Hotels can have their logo or design printed on the key fobs. This adds a touch of personalization and reinforces the hotel’s brand.

Why chouse lamiant fobs

Why are large hotels choosing ABS laminate key fobs? First and foremost, durability is a key factor. Hotel key fobs are used multiple times a day. They need to be tough and long-lasting. ABS laminate ticks all the boxes. Secondly, it is cost-effective. Large hotels often need to order key fobs in bulk. ABS laminate is an affordable option that does not compromise on quality. Lastly, it is environmentally friendly. ABS laminate is recyclable. This is an important consideration for hotels looking to reduce their environmental impact.

Advantages of ABS Large hotel key fobs

Another advantage of ABS laminate key fobs is their versatility. They can be programmed to work with a hotel’s existing security system. This means there is no need for a complete overhaul of the system. Additionally, they can be reprogrammed if needed. For example, if a guest loses their key fob, it can be deactivated and a new one issued. This ensures the security of the guest and the hotel.

Total Locker Service offers a complete solution for large hotels. They can supply the key fobs, as well as the necessary software and hardware. They also offer ongoing support and maintenance. This is essential for the smooth operation of any hotel. Their team of experts can assist with installation and training. They can also provide advice on the best solution for a hotel’s specific needs.

In conclusion, ABS laminate key fobs are the ideal choice for large hotels. They are durable, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly. Total Locker Service is a trusted provider of ABS laminate key fobs. They offer a complete solution, from manufacturing to installation and support. Large hotels can benefit from their expertise and experience. Make the switch to ABS laminate key fobs from Total Locker Service today. Your guests, and the planet, will thank you.

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