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Probe Fireproof Lockers - Ideal for schools, work place and office

Fire rated lockers from Probe

Probe One Door Locker With Cam Lock Click to enlarge

Delivery Information

The approximate lead time is 20 Working Days.

Delivery to Mainland UK only, without any restrictions.

Our delivery times are; Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm.

We will deliver using the most economical method, using either our own vehicles or a carrier.

Goods may be palletised and delivered on an articulated vehicle.

The deliveries are kerb side only, you will need to arrange to unload the vehicle.

If there are any delivery restrictions / specific dates / times / dedicated deliveries, or FORS Registered deliveries; please contact the sales department as there may be an additional cost.


High quality components, construction and finish.

Probe lockers are a leading UK manufactured brand, they produce an extensive range of lockers for a wide variety of uses.

Manufacturing standard personnel lockers along with personal effects, laundry management solutions, industrial lockers, laptop, tablet, and leisure lockers making just a small selection of the total range.

All our lockers are delivered fully assembled.


All Probe lockers are finished with anti-bacterial coatings using Dupont Active Coat - resistant to MRSA, which is ideal for both Schools and Hospitals.

Fire rated

Probe powder-coated steel lockers have achieved the rare distinction of being the only locker range in the UK, if not Europe, to be tested and approved in line with the European Standard - EN 13501-1: 2007 +A1: 2009 relating to fire performance.

Classified as non-combustible they will not increase or sustain any fire within their proximity.

Compliant with the requirements set out in Building Bulletin 100: Design for fire safety in schools.

FIREZERO Probe Lockers are the best and most appropriate choice for use in cloakrooms, corridors and circulation areas.

Product features

Each Probe Locker features as standard an integral air vent system*, a micro sprung disc lock, 5 knuckle hinges, welded front frame & internal door strengthens *.

Available with many lock options, key and swivel hasp locks are the standard or for a premium: coin return, coin collect, mechanical combination locks, electrical combination locks and card access locks; there is also an option to have numbered wrist straps in a variety of colours for coin operated locks.

With seven exciting colours to choose from you are sure to finding a stylish solution to meet your storage needs.

These lockers are a robust, secure and vandal resistant range available in a wide range of colours

If you need fire rated lockers as part of the locker specification or the lockers are in an area where it would be an advantage for the metal lockers have a fire rating then here is the solution.

Take advantage of this ground breaking product development and make sure that your customers are aware that Probe Lockers are the best locker choice for use in educational buildings and public areas.

SpecificationSpecification sheet

Fire Certificate  Lockers 1 to 6 door  Probe locker colours 

Probe Products  Locker Products  

  Locker Parts 

Itemcode: P701212A1

Probe One Door Locker With Cam Lock




Price: £71 Plus V.A.T.
£85.20 V.A.T. Inc


Cam Lock
Cam Lock

Click to enlarge


© 2025 Total Locker Service (Safe Secure Locker Services Ltd)
Unit 3, Menta - The Vision Centre, 5 Eastern Way
Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7AB - 01284 749211
Reg. Co. 06467889 | | VAT Number: 928 535204