Hotel room key fobs
Hotel key fobs single sided small

Delivery Information
The approximate lead time is 5 Days.
Delivery to Mainland UK only, without any restrictions.
Our delivery times are; Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm.
We will deliver using the most economical method, using either our own vehicles or a carrier.
Goods may be palletised and delivered on an articulated vehicle.
The deliveries are kerb side only, you will need to arrange to unload the vehicle.
If there are any delivery restrictions / specific dates / times / dedicated deliveries, or FORS Registered deliveries; please contact the sales department as there may be an additional cost.
Small hotel key fobs wide choice of colours available. Supplied with split ring
Small key holder single sided with your logo with hole and split ring to attach a key to. Too large for someone to forget they have got on them. Large enough to fit and address and telephone number on. You can have engraved room numbers.
If you have a large quantity of keys then email us ✉
Specification sheetHotel Key Fobs With Room Number
Numbered small hotel Key Fob with split ring
Locker numbers
Large Hotel Fob
Small Hotel Fob
Hotel Fob With Logo
Large hotel key fobs with split ring